Kimberly Maines![]() did this awesome picture of Martha from Martha Speaks: like, WOW!
Andrew Saylor made this fabby picture of Rarity with Spike:Check out this raving beauty by Victoria RollinsonUnknown artist who ARE you?![]() This hilarious drawing was handed to me by a girl in the audience at a panel at Everfree Northwest, a My Little Pony Con. It had just been mentioned that I frequently stunt burp for other actors who need to burp, but who have run out of gas. Which I rarely do. This is my character Rarity, imitating me.(which she never would)
I've been given Heck!I bust my specs![]() I signed for them but they didn't sign for me! A bunch of enthusiasts; Joseph and Dylan Smith and another lad bought me these a copies of fanfic "Fallout Equestria"-- by 'Khat" Blisteringly popular among the bronies I have had to fight my nieghbor's kid to repo the 5 volumes. FIVE VOLUMES. Can you say "prolifilc???"
In front of them one of several gorgeous and useful "reading is magic" bookmarks by Kat Whitney Who rocks Deviant Art. "Jared" made this![]() gorgeous plushie which I keep on my mantel.
If you gave me a picture and are okay with me putting it up, please let me know. I have loads that I'm not sure were self-made gifts or the work of other people. Others still are professional artists and I don't want to infringe. (Couch Crusader, this means you. I adore you, BTW) I so appreciate ALL your amazing works of art. So proud to know you all. Which brings me to an expression I'd like to pass to you all:
"Lovesplats"![]() From the" D.C. Bronies --" Note the moon and the three diamonds for Luna and Rarity. What a thing of splatty beauty.
Ed Goodwin IV![]() carved this image of Rarity on wood. Mad skills. Mad. Skills.
Sadly I don't![]() have everyone's names. I feel terrible that I came home with all this loot and didn't properly thank everyone. Needless to say I am really grateful and astonished at the incredible creativity. The Rarity figurine(left) by the amazing Otaku Squirrel was cast in some sort of acrylic so that the mane and tail are solid unlike the toys. In the front Rarity with Opal. is a lapel pin-- I think it's resin based. is by Davin White And in the back a button by Justus Stebner, (according to Mr. Squirrel.) Look, a moose![]() with a lovely unsigned drawing from an Everfree attendee
Oh, Rarity![]() Again, unsigned, this delightful painting on canvass was given to me at Everfree. If you are the artist, let me know so I can give you credit!
Yummy squishy![]() scarves! Such a beautiful gift. A girl, again, I don't have her name, but I think she was from Winnipeg, passed on a stack of comfy scarves all emblazoned with our characters' cutie marks. This is my Luna scarf. My fave. Thank you lovely unknown girl!
Anonymous:![]() A girl at Anme Vegas gave me this lovely panting. If she sees this write and tell me your name!
Just found this![]() It was wedged into my Everfree program from last year. Makes me laugh. This is a rendition of me (as my characters going into Ikea and setting all the egg timers to 5 minutes (which I had put in my bio) Awesome!
Go Ahead ~ Make My Day... some beloved fans wrote:J. Whitimer writes:
... I have a bit of a silly question to ask of you. You see, my friends and I are doing this survey for a school project and I was just wondering if you have ticklish feet? :) Good of you to ask Mr. Whitimer Some of my feetle planes are divinely protected. They've been assigned their own ninja angels. I speak of the heel and the ball. You can deploy ostrich feathers, one liners and solar flares and not get a jot of response. There have been commando parasites sent from Zeta Reticuli to infiltrate my feet and they've been send packing roundly, with their vestigial tails up their conundrums. That said, to this day, the base of my toes cannot resist a good pun, iridescence, or squishy red mud. Glad to hear your schools finally ask for useful information. We are pleased. What school do you attend? I must have a child and send it there. ---ATB teep(ot) Dad adad wonders:
...Tabitha... whats with Canada and fart jokes? Even Ashleigh Ball in a MLP interview mentioned you guys just crack fart jokes all the time, is the whole cast of MLP all about fart jokes? Its insane? That's a good question, dad. I guess we're all about sound. And involuntary sounds have a special places in the toon lexicon. Consider all the falling down, getting hit, freaking out sounds that are the staple of any animated thingy. Try this: Record as many people as you can find all in a row making raspberry sounds. Then play it back a few times. Anything? If not, hate to break it to you, but you may be dead.(And even the dead sound off, I understand.) I did read that in Malawi pooting was actually outlawed briefly. --There was an outcry, as you may imagine, anatomies being what they are-- things we all have. Billions of us. All embodied, all animals, however lofty our minds. However, there is Malawi. At least one refuge for those who feel that off-gassing is a matter to... er... tighten up on. With gusty affection. Teep. OT! Matthew Wilson writes:
I hope this letter finds you as in great spirits as you constantly leave a grateful audience. Thank you so much for the wonderful characters and memories for coming generations to enjoy. Jimmy two shoes is a great cure to rewatch on a grey day. Keep lighting up our ... screens... Wow Matthew. Way to make a girl feel good. You light up my... okay, I'm not gonna say 'life'... because then we'll all start singing that song and there'll be soap bubbles and girls on rollerskates. You light up my ... Heart. Yeah. That funny lump. Just went all glowy. Our man in Texas, James Philips, writes:
As you probably know, there's an election coming up in the US... and I'm not terribly fond of most of the candidates. So, I'm thinking of writing in Rarity. Now, hear me out! Rarity has the element of generosity, but moreover, she knows when it is appropriate to actually be generous. She doesn't like to waste things. She wouldn't spend spend spend tax payer money like a crazy pony! We could take care of the less fortunate people living in our country, whilst cutting out all of that waste. That's just win-win! Rarity also aspires for greatness in everything big and small. She wouldn't allow the country to settle for 'the best we can do at any given time'. She'd strive for what pride and dignity demands! It's also helpful that she has the unique ability to find gem stones. That would be a grand help for raising funds at any given time. She'd also be able to sense whether or not other sneaky politicians were sneaking some of those gems in offshore bank accounts, I reckon! Last, but certainly not least, she is a wonderful orator! ( ;D ) She could inspire everypony to be the best that they could be. To never let anything get them down... to know that our government has always got our backs! Applejack could be her vice-president, since she has that down-home folksy charm that a lot of people love. It would be fantastic! ... if only she weren't from a foreign land... not of age... and, perhaps, not being a human might be a hindrance, as well... Hrrrrm... Oh, well, I still believe in her! Dear James I mentioned your proposal at Everfree Northwest. As you know, when I consulted my inner Rarity her platform read thusly: "As your president I vow to put an end to the odious practice of putting stickers on fruit!" Said James: Rarity/Applejack 2012 - A Fruitful Choice! HA! ![]() BIG CAKE! MYAMS!
Aug 11, Scott Fullmer wrote: ... I want to show you something since it's your birthday. I made a cake with Princess Luna's Cutie Mark because I absolutely love your voice role as Princess Luna from My Little Pony: ... I also like your other voices in My Little Pony characters as well including D___y, Granny Smith, etc. You have such an amazing voice talent. I hope you enjoy your birthday and this cake. Once Again, Happy Birthday! ^_^ Your favorite brony fan of Princess Luna, Thanks you considerate and lovely human. I love the cake. Can I eat it even though it's not my birthday? It was my buddy's birthday yesterday. I went out with her and got her hair done and had brunch so this is kinda funny because I was actually celebrating a birthday, just not mine. BUT I WANT CAKE! YUM! ... my eyeballs already ate it... ...hic. Love Tpot P.S. even though it's not technicaly my b-day, I'm open to celebrating all year. I consider the year my birthday SEASON in order to maximize cake and goodies. As I told one lad, I regularly remind my circle how many shopping days left until my birthday. That way people think they must like me because it's always on their mind to buy me pressies! Bwah-HAHAHA!!!(that was a Nightmare Moon laugh.) Wikipedia, IMDB. -a bit spotty. Be well boo. From dear ole Ricky Franklin:
Hello and salutations! I am a fan of your work on... My Little Pony Friendship is Magic and... Martha Speaks. You lend your voice to an interesting array of characters and give them such defined personalities. I was just wondering since you seem to have a very quirky personality yourself, do you ever inject a bit of that into the characters you play? ... Hm. What an interesting question. Do I inject my own personality into the characters I play? Well, probably, since I am, after all, me, and it's very hard to get away from myself although there have been occasions when i have tried. On the other hand the real fact is that we are all one big being experiencing life. So in a sense, I am also everyone else... So Ricky, it's quite possible that when I act I'm actually being you. Now who in the world said I was quirky??? everything seems quite normal from inside here! Antony C writes:
To the owner of the most excellent voice and sweet disposition, many thanks for all the tops entertainment over the years. You brighten up the place immeasurably. I Have a video tribute made out of your hilarious website bio! Allow me to provide a sample of my first response... Gaaah... It was like that, but not quite as intelligent. Your viddie is sooo well done...You positively EXALT my scrappy text... And then you had to find my dead mum and ask her how she would say 'sausage rolls.' What a Gilgameshian undertaking. Granted mum's not very hard to find. Death hasn't impacted her speech one iota. If she starts telling you what to wear, I apologize. (Call an exorcist.) ... I can only hope your mad noodlings flower into a mad noodling career, as you clearly have Costco-sized boatloads of talents and skills. ! I stand in awe. I throw coffee down my own shirt. I eat a sacred yam chip. (just consecrated for the ceremony) Thank you for saying I have a sweet disposition. Could you mention that to mum? Colour-piles of awesome T-pot Antony was kind enough to let me post his video on my bio page. It's Awesome! This is his deviant art page Post-Industrial Sausage(!) writes:Hi Mizz Tabitha!
As a *cough* SUPPOSEDLY mature, responsible adult-type person, I've been rather out of the cartoon scene for some years and have no doubt missed much of your other work. But sure enough, I also got dragged into this whole pony thing, rather reluctantly at first, and so help me I love these silly ponies. You're in no small part to blame for this, since I adored Nightmare Moon and her rich, glorious voice and laugh right from the start. Imagine my surprise when I came to realize that most of my favorite characters were all voiced by the same person. Pretty spooky, huh kids? ... Anyway, between the show itself and the videos and messages I've run across from assorted staff involved with the show, I have to say that all involved with the show, from writing to animating to voicing, are among the most deservedly beloved folks in the industry right now. Here's to many more episodes of awesome. Dear P.I. Sausage. You are too, too kind.
None None writes: Hi! I'm a huge fan of Tabitha's incredible talent and command of her voice. She breathes life into so many different pieces, and it always brings an artistic touch that always elevates a show when I hear her work.
I'm writing because I really think Tabitha more than deserves commendation for her work. Is there anything fans can do, people we can write, and so on, to help support Tabitha? For example, can little people like us do anything to promote the idea of her getting an Emmy or something like that? I don't even know what kind of awards are even out there, but I know she deserves them! Dear None. Dear, dear None.
What's to be done? It is very very kind of you to offer to prop up my career. But not to fear. I've put toothpicks in several places and some chewing gum(well masticated) in one or two key joints. I also sacrificed a chicken(well, tofurkey,) to the great BINGBANGBOOM, Raccoon God of artists(and thieves). So I do feel moderately secure. I have on occasion considered asking politely if I could have an Emmy or two, but my agent says that while that might stand in some parts of Canada, it will hold no water at all with the feisty lot to the south. Nonetheless I am extremely touched by your offer. In return I'm going to send the Everythingawesomeandandthencake Fairy after you with her wand. Do be careful of the bridge of your nose for the next few days because she can give one quite a bonk. So far, I'm not doing too badly for wishes. However, should you ever come across a spare one, I would certainly like an island. With gooey fondness that knows no bounds -Tabitha. Miss Christy S. writes:
I wanted to write to you and tell you how much your work has meant to me. ...I came across the show, and was sure I would hate it. Curiosity got the better of me though, and within one episode I was hooked!...Rarity is my mascot and my inspiration. I have a screencap from "art of the dress" as the wallpaper on my phone to remind me that fashion is difficult sometimes, and that I should stick to my guns about the things I want to make. (that episode is tied for favorite with sisterhooves, and Spike's birthday) I feel very lucky to have Rarity as my guide. (And Twilight to remind me to study, and Pinkie to remind me not to...)Your versatility as a voice actress is amazing! Oddly enough, I happen to adore Martha Speaks too, and I had no clue you voiced Martha as well. Thank you for bringing these characters to life so wonderfully. Oh sweetheart. How beautiful you are. Thank you. Evan writes: Dear Miss Tabitha,Now I'm hooked on Martha Speaks and it's all your fault!....Keep on being stupendous, exceptional, extraordinary...! See this is the Martha Speaks influence. :P
Your fan, Evan hahaha. backatcha, sweetums. Дмитрий Колесов writes: I am a big fan of your work in general and your anime dubbing efforts & your work on MLP:FiM in particular. I am sure I would never appreciate the characters you voice as much if it wasn't for your amazing talent...Hallo you whose name I can't read!
Thank you very much for you letter and your support. T. Gates writes:Thank you for making an awesome show, which gave way to an awesome community.... Thank you for being awesome...
Also, Rarity is best pony.Thanks, Angel. Cheeky monkey, Christian Miller writes:
OhmygoshOhmygoshOhmygoshOhmygoshOhmygoshOhmygoshOhmygoshOhmygoshOhmygoshOhmygoshOhmygoshOhmygoshOhmygoshOhmygoshOhmygoshOhmygoshOhmygosh (etc.) I think that one needs no reply My good pal Andrew Saylor writes:
I'm sure you've been getting this a lot lately, but you doing ___ voice was amazing and adorable. :) loved it. When I heard ____ voice, my mouth literally dropped for about 5 minutes. I think you gave the Bronies a crowning moment in season 2 ;) This means I now have another character I can draw for you :) and though, Rarity still holds a special place in my heart ^^ I love all the other characters you've voiced on the show as well Well, I just thought I'd stop by to say hi and wish you well. P.S. I hope you liked your Christmas gift pic I drew for you :) You can most certainly look forward to more :) You little blast of pure sun. Always, always welcome in my heart. Love the Christmas pic. Love it.
Ed M. writes:....thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou for the great job you did on voicing our beloved ____... the moment Dash (er- Ashleigh Ball, that is) said ____ I couldn't quite believe I heard right. And when ____started TALKING?! Well, the whole thing made my day. And every time I watch the scene (and I certainly have been re-watching it!) I can't help but smile- not just because of what it represents to the fandom, but because of your performance- the voice really fits her personality perfectly, just like all the other voices you do on the show.
It strikes a great balance where she's clearly clumsy ...but you can't laugh at her- she's too lovable... I really hope that we see and hear more of her ...because clearly her voice is in great hands. (Hooves? Let's stick with hands.) ... you and the rest of the wonderful cast really are the heart and soul of the show- it just wouldn't be the same without any one of you, and I just wanted to thank you for all the great work you put in on it. Of course the great work the animators, writers and rest of the crew do is vital, but great looking characters, even if well-written, simply aren't alive until the cast makes them so. Crazy and strange as it may be, your work is really making a difference in lives- mine just being one of them. Thank you so much for that. PS- Whatever you do, don't get discouraged by the neigh-sayers. That would be a bad thing. I daresay the worst thing. In fact, of all the worst things that could happen, that would be the WORST. POSSIBLE. THING! (I'm sorry, I had to.) You lovely duck, Ed. Neigh-sayers indeed. hahaha.
R. Entinger writes:
Hello Ms. St. Germain,I am a huge fan of your work!I've been absolutely charmed by My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic. I just expected to to be another Flash cartoon, but it somehow captured my mind and my heart, and put a huge smile on my face and lifts my heart. I have no regrets. :)I must say you have amazing talent and range. I love how you put your all into any character you do! I love how over-the-top Rarity is, how loony Granny Smith is, and how awesome and awkwardly sweet Luna can be. My wife and I just love what you do your voice. It sounds like you have an amazing amount of fun! Truly, all of the voice talent on the show is just fantastic!I was absolutely floored when I saw the latest episode! .....most wonderful and unexpected surprise... I thought ____ was simply adorable!Thank you so very much for lending your amazing voice to this truly magical show. I really and truly cannot imagine your characters voiced by anyone else. Mr. Entinger. Mr. Entinger. Mr. Entinger. Thank you Thank you Thank you. ( I really like that name of yours, so much so that I went blind and spelled it wrong and just had to correct it!)
Drew Holt writes:...your work on the show is nothing short of fantastic. You bring life and character to so many of the ponies we love. Without you, Rarity's eccentric flair would never exist. Granny Smith's incessant silly rambling would surely be less hilarious without you. Luna's epic ROYAL CANTERLOT VOICE would fall flat, I'm sure, without your influence. My point here is that you do an awesome job....
Wow. Thanks Drew. I'm overwhelmed! how you spell, 'verklempt?'
Dylan R. writes:...The voice you came up with(for ___) was absolutely adorable. ...So I want to say, we love you and the work you do. Please keep sharing your wonderfully talented voice with us.
...back atcha Dylan. Thanks for you kind wishes. Everything's fine here. No worries.
D. Hwang writes:Dear Ms. Tabitha St. Germain,I just want to thank you for all the works you've done, bringing your characters alive in My Little Pony Friendship is Magic. I especially loved the way ____s voice came out... I even found it sort of fitting.... All of us absolutely love what you are doing, and we all wish that you'll have more success in your future. In best regards,-David
Hi David
I've only met you all on the net, but let me say, I've never met a brony i didn't like. Buckets of love, and all of it welcome and appreciated. Be well, angel. As I said to... er.. someone... can't remember... I think you well wishers a forming a little forcefield of harmony, as it were, over my little cyber hut. Justin Morgan writes: You're great ! My friends and I wanted to send you emails to show that we truly appreciate you voicing ___ and all your characters for that matter.
Well, I think you're great. I'm getting so much praise I'm going to have to find one of my buddies and get myself roundly insulted just for balance!
Raoul Scupper, writes:
Hello miss Tabitha
I just want to send you this mail as a response to My little pony: friendship is magic's latest episode in which there is a scene regarding the now officially recognized ___ Hooves. I just want to say that that scene made my week, it was amazing and funny and it was amazing to see how developers of a show react to their accidental audience, thank you for that! Thanks Raoul,
I really appreciate that. Nick from Ohio writes: You have given our ___ her "royal we" and have provided fantastic voices for our favorite pony characters! I really love your voice for Rarity - its genius - and the spectacular work you and all the cast have done on Friendship is Magic has helped me personally so much to alleviate the stress associated with upper level engineering courses here at Ohio State University. I never would have believed it if someone in the past had told me a series I used to watch with my younger sisters at the age of 4 would be a source of mirth and entertainment for me today.
I remember years ago when I was in high school I watched the show Krypto the Superdog in which you provided one of the voices in that show and I thought it was spectacular as well. Keep up the good work! I'm such a fanboy! Thanks Nick. And brave soul for respecting yourself enough to like what you like. it should be a no-brainer, but sometimes people subdivide! I'm constantly surprised by how many men love MLP, (even marines!) and it proves something I've always believed: that innocence is finite. It's not something that can ever go away despite what a person does or has done. -- be well, Beauty.
Hey, Im a massive fan of your work. I loved ur performances on the cramp twins, ed edd and eddy, hamtaro and especially my little pony, with rarity and luna being two of my faves :) -Victoria Rollinson from England (who also drew me a gorgeous pikkie, see left.)
Hey V. Thanks for all this nice stuff you say. Like, shucks and everything. But listen, more the the point, how awesome are you? I looked at your deviant art stuff and it's just fantastic. You are an aggregate of talented little cells, my bunny. James Han writes:: Dear Ms/Mrs St. Germain,I am a huge fan of MLP Friendship is Magic and especially a huge Rarity fan. I love all the different ponies but I was especially drawn to Rarity's distinct mannerisms like her trademark laugh (Wahahaha!) or the way her voice grows hoarse when she emphasises something (SAPPHIRE SHOARES!!)I'...
Thanks James, I like voicing Rarity too. I mean where IS she from? have you heard her mom?-- T-pot. Andrew Saylor drew me a gorgeous picture of My Little Pony's Rarity and Spike the dragon, and he writes:
My name is Andrew and I'm a big fan of Tabitha's she's an absolutely amazing voice actress and I love her as Rarity in MLP FIM :) anyway, I just wanted to share a pic I did a few days ago of Rarity (and Spike too) Thank you, Andrew. That is very well done. It could easily be one of the animation cells. I wouldn't be surprised if you ended up as an animator! -- Have I mentioned how ADORABLE you are? Brittney Goodman from Orlando Florida:
You are a great actress. I thik you did great in all of the movies that you did. I've seen every single one. You are my favorite actress. I'm your biggest fan... Love Brittney. Thank you Brittney. You are very kind to say all that nice stuff. You are 12 different kinds of awesome. Thanks for teaching me the meaning of words. I love the show"Martha Speaks" Sometimes Martha is silly. You also did the voice of Dandelion. I have the movie Mermaidia . I love the made-up people you did. And-- what do you know, I love your blog. And I love you, Love Kimberly(age 6)
Kimberly Maines. Tacoma Washington Thanks Kimmie! I can't believe how beautiful your drawing is. And such gorgeous colors. You are an outstanding artist! Thank you! And me and Martha love you too! Hi Tabitha. You are a spectacular voiceover artist. I know you best as Flay Allster in Gandam Seed and Martha in Martha Speaks. Do you like the NHL? If so then what is your favorite NHL team? Have a great weekend, Earth Day, and Easter. Sincerely, Glenn Vongsaisuwan
Dear Glen. Thanks and does this answer: GO CANUCKS! To Tabitah St. Germain Happy Halloween to the voice of Martha the Dog on the cartoon series "Martha Speaks" It airs on PBS kids in the USA and CBC kids in Canada?-- Darryl Heine. Inverness Il. Thanks you Darryl. I still have both your cards. What wonderful writing. --Much love, Tabs. Well, to me, Tabitha, you are a really great voice actor. You are best known for voicing Ring Ring (Pucca), Shana (Shakugan no Shana), Magnolia (George of the Jungle), Captain Flamingo/Milo Powell (Captain Flamingo), and a numerous characters. Such brilliant talent, very good improvisation, and a comedic sense. -- Rick Robin Cagnaan
Thanks R.R. Much apreesh! Dear Tabitha,
Until a few days ago, I had no idea of who you were. I was surfing on the web and I came across some chapters of The New Addams Famiily. I imagine it was quite a challenge to do a remake of such a successful series.I saw three chapters where you performed. I enjoyed your performances both as Melancholia ("the unmarriageable niece in the Addams Family", as Hazel Shermet, your predecessor, defined her) and her sister Catastrophia. If I'm not mistaken, Catastrophia didn't exist in the first version.I read your biography and visited your web page and I see now you're working mainly as a voice actress. I wish you the best of luck out there. I'm Argentinian and I teach English and French as second languages. I also have a web page through which I contact teachers and translators with prospective clients. Once again, congratulations on your work and good luck. Best. - Carlos Ovieda Carlos, you are obviously prodigiously gifted with language. Thank you and best to you too! Hello, Ms. St. Germain. I am writing you today to pass along my appreciation for your voice acting in the current Hub show My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Your superb acting as Rarity the unicorn is - in my mind - a tremendous boon to the show, and I know that a large portion of the fanbase has reached the same conclusion. You are doing an excellent job at injecting Rarity with a vivid and enjoyable personality! She really comes across as not only a brilliant and glamorous designer but also a genuinely friendly and insightful pony. I'm really looking forward to seeing more of her in Season 2 of Friendship is Magic. Your fellow voice actresses Tara Strong, Ashleigh Ball, Andrea Libman, and Cathy Weseluck are also performing exceedingly well as the rest of the main cast! Please pass along to them the esteem that the MLP:FiM fanbase holds for their voice work. All in all, the voice acting on the show stands out as quite professional - and highly enjoyable!
Honestly, Ms. St. Germain has won a sizable number of fans due to her portrayal of Rarity, and we all would like her to congratulate her & offer our best wishes for her continued success. Thank you very much~! - Tek Aram Your performance as Rarity in "Dog and Pony Show" was the best thing to happen to ponies since Lauren Faust. Just thinking about it makes me smile and watching it (as I have done many times) brings me joy. Thank you-- Mike Chapman. (please do not use your powers for evil)
Thanks for your lovely card Mike. And I do solemnly vow to only use my power (the power of silly) for good. |